Preventing Mother – to – Child Transmission of Aids

Although there has been great success in lowering the virus’s transmission from mother to child, HIV/AIDS still poses a threat to global health. Infants typically contract HIV through mother-to-child transmission, also referred to as vertical transmission. However, this mode of transmission can be considerably reduced, if not completely eradicated, with the right medical attention and measures. We will discuss key tactics and procedures for avoiding the spread of AIDS from mother to child in this post.
Educating Oneself About Mother-to-Child Transmission
It’s critical to comprehend the mechanism underlying mother-to-child HIV transmission before diving into preventative measures. This transmission may take place during breastfeeding, childbirth, or pregnancy. This is how:
Pregnancy: During pregnancy, HIV can pass through the placenta and infect the foetus. A minor portion of instances are caused by this transfer.
Childbirth: An newborn may come into contact with the mother’s blood and other bodily fluids during labour and delivery, increasing the chance of transmission.
Breastfeeding: If an HIV-positive mother breastfeeds her child, the virus may be passed on to the child through the breast milk.
Prevention Methods
1.Pregnancy Care:
Early Testing: Early testing and diagnosis are the cornerstone of prevention. As a standard component of prenatal care, HIV testing should be made available to all pregnant women.
Antiretroviral Therapy (ART): must be started as soon as feasible if a pregnant woman tests positive for HIV. As a result of ART, the chance of transmission is decreased.
Adherence to Medication: It’s critical to make sure pregnant women follow the ART regimen that has been prescribed to them. Missing doses increases the chance of transmission and can cause the treatment to fail.
2.Prenatal Care:
Scheduled Caesarean Section: A scheduled caesarean section before labour starts may be advised when a woman’s viral load is high or poorly controlled. As a result, there is a lower chance of exposure to the unborn kid.
Intravenous (IV) medicine: To further lower the risk of transmission, women with HIV may take intravenous antiretroviral medication during labour.
3.After-natal Care:
Avoiding Breastfeeding: Mothers with HIV are urged to completely avoid breastfeeding in settings with access to resources and safe substitutes. The choice may be more difficult in situations with low resources, and it may be advised to support exclusive breastfeeding in addition to ART for both mother and child.
Infant ART: For six weeks, preventative ART should be given to infants born to mothers who are HIV-positive. By doing this, the possibility of infection from any exposure during labour is decreased.
Regular Testing: Infants born to HIV-positive moms should have routine HIV testing because infection may not always be apparent.
4.counselling and assistance
Psychosocial Support: Throughout their pregnancy and the postpartum period, women with HIV need intensive counselling and support. As important as medical care is taking care of their emotional and psychological needs.
Family Planning: To prevent unwanted pregnancies and lower the risk of vertical transmission in subsequent pregnancies, encourage family planning talks and options for women living with HIV.
5.Education and Information
Community Education: To minimize stigma, improve HIV testing, and guarantee that pregnant women receive prompt care, extensive community education and awareness programmer are necessary.
Partner Testing: To create a safer environment for both mother and child, encourage partners to be tested for HIV.
One of the most important aspects of the global fight against the AIDS pandemic is preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission. The risk of transmission can be considerably decreased with early testing, access to antiretroviral medicine, safe birth procedures, and postnatal care. To maintain the health and wellbeing of mothers and their children, it is essential that these measures be applied consistently and completely. The keys to victory in the ongoing fight against HIV/AIDS are education, awareness, and support.