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Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS)

The gastrointestinal tract, usually known as the stomach and intestines, are affected by the illness known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are all possible symptoms. There may also be cramping. IBS is a chronic ailment that requires long-term management.

Only a small percentage of IBS sufferers experience severe symptoms. Some individuals can manage their symptoms by controlling their diet, way of life, and stress. Medication and counseling might be used to manage symptoms that are more severe.


IBS symptoms might vary, but they frequently last for a long time. The most typical ones are:

  • Abdominal pain, cramping or bloating that is related to passing a bowel movement
  • Changes in appearance of bowel movement
  • Changes in how often you are having a bowel movement
  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea at night
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Unexplained vomiting
  • Pain that isn’t relieved by passing gas or a bowel movement

The sense of incomplete ejection and a rise in gas or mucus in the stool are two additional symptoms that are frequently associated.


IBS’s precise cause is unknown. Several elements seem to be involved, including:

Intestinal muscle contractions: Layers of muscle that contract as they carry food through your digestive tract line the inside of your intestines. Gas, bloating, and diarrhea might result from stronger and longer than typical contractions. Weak contractions might hinder the passage of food and result in dry, firm stools.

Nervous: When your abdomen extends from gas or stools, digestive system nerve problems could be the source of your discomfort. Your body may overreact to normal changes in the digestive process if brain and gut signals are not properly synchronised. Pain, diarrhea, or constipation may follow.

 System Severe infection: After a severe case of diarrhea brought on by germs or a virus, IBS may appear. It is known as gastroenteritis. Bacterial overgrowth in the intestines is another factor that may contribute to IBS.

Early life stress: People who have experienced stressful situations, particularly as children, tend to exhibit greater IBS symptoms.

Changes in gut microbes: alterations in the bacteria, fungus, and viruses that are usually found in the intestines and are important for health. According to research, those with IBS may have different microorganisms than those without the condition.

Gluten: According to research, even those without celiac disease who stop consuming gluten (wheat, barley, and rye) notice improvements in their diarrhea symptoms.


If you have IBS, you can keep symptoms from flaring up by avoiding triggers.

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