Inflammation of the prostate due to bacterial and non-bacterial causes.
- Organisms usually responsible are E.Coli, other gram negative organisms, streptococus, staphylococcus, and enterococcus.
- Acute prostatitis characterised by abrupt onset, associated urinary tract infection, and presenting with fever, malaise, low back, perineal or testicular pain, frequency of micturition, and dysuria, precipitancy, hesitancy, obstructive symptoms , tender hot prostate with occasionally fluctuance on P.R., penile discharge, and painful ejaculation, II Urine leucocyte count more than lOIhpf. Diagnosis by urethral swabbing and staining and culture of discharge
- Chronic prostatitis characterised by obstructive symptoms, prostadynia (abnormal flow, irritative voiding, pelvic pain), with hard tender, irregular shaped gland felt P.R. Positive culture from urine (after prostatic massage, performed after patient has passed 20 ml urine.)
- Complications include abscess formation, sepsis, and urinary retention.
- Non-bacterial prostatitis cases have more urinary pus cells but negative culture. Chlamydia and ureaplasm postulated as cause, but not proven.